
Writing Humor With AI Can Be a Mixed Bag

AI can assist comedians with structuring monologues and drafting content but struggles to produce original and funny material.

Main Points:

  • Limited Creativity: AI models can help with structure but fail to deliver humor that feels fresh and engaging.
  • Bias and Constraints: AI-generated content often reflects biases and avoids risky or offensive humor.
  • Human Touch Needed: True comedic writing requires personal experience and creativity beyond AI’s capabilities.


A recent study led by Google DeepMind researchers examined how AI could aid comedians in creating routines. They found that while AI tools like ChatGPT can assist with the initial structuring of jokes and overcoming writer’s block, they fall short in delivering genuinely funny and original content. Comedians described the AI-generated jokes as bland and lacking the necessary punch to engage an audience. The study also highlighted biases in AI responses, often failing to generate diverse perspectives. Ultimately, AI’s linear approach contrasts sharply with the unpredictable nature of good comedy, suggesting that human creativity remains indispensable in this field.

Source: What happened when 20 comedians got AI to write their routines

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