Wikipedia Lowers CNET’s Reliability Due to AI-Generated Articles

Wikipedia has revised CNET’s reliability rating after the tech news site published AI-generated content, raising questions about the accuracy and trustworthiness of its articles.

Key Points:

  • Wikipedia editors downgraded CNET’s reliability following the publication of error-filled AI-generated articles.
  • CNET’s experiment with AI-written content in 2022 led to plagiarism and factual inaccuracies, causing a significant reputational hit.
  • The controversy has sparked a broader debate on the reliability of sources owned by Red Ventures, CNET’s parent company, and their use of AI in content creation.


Wikipedia’s recent decision to downgrade CNET’s reliability rating marks a significant moment in the ongoing debate over AI-generated content’s impact on news accuracy and trustworthiness. The tech website, once known for its reliable tech news and advice, ventured into AI-generated articles in 2022, leading to a series of articles full of errors and plagiarism. This move not only drew criticism from readers but also caught the attention of Wikipedia editors, who, after extensive discussions, chose to revise CNET’s standing on their “Reliable sources/Perennial sources” page.

The decision by Wikipedia underscores the complexities and challenges of integrating AI into journalism. CNET’s experiment, which initially aimed to innovate content creation, ended up harming its reputation due to the AI’s inability to maintain the site’s editorial standards, resulting in content that was sometimes misleading or incorrect. This incident has ignited a broader debate within the Wikipedia community about the trustworthiness of sources that leverage AI for content generation, especially those owned by Red Ventures like Bankrate and, further emphasizing the need for transparency and stringent editorial oversight when implementing AI technologies.

CNET’s response to the downgrade and the surrounding controversy has been to assert their commitment to high editorial and review standards, stating that they are not currently using AI to create new content. However, the incident serves as a cautionary tale for other news outlets considering AI for content generation. It highlights the importance of balancing technological innovation with the need for accuracy and reliability in journalism, ensuring that the pursuit of efficiency does not compromise the quality and trustworthiness of the content provided to readers.


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