White House AI

Vice President Harris Unveils Comprehensive AI Governance Policy for Federal Agencies

The White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has released a groundbreaking policy to guide federal agencies in the responsible development, procurement, and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), fulfilling a key aspect of President Biden’s Executive Order on AI.

Main Points:

  • Address Risks from the Use of AI: Federal agencies must implement safeguards by December 1, 2024, to manage AI risks, ensuring the protection of Americans’ rights and safety across various applications.
  • Expand Transparency of AI Use: Agencies are required to enhance public transparency regarding their AI utilization, including releasing annual inventories of AI use cases and government-owned AI assets.
  • Advance Responsible AI Innovation and Grow the AI Workforce: The policy aims to remove barriers to AI innovation in addressing societal challenges and mandates the hiring of 100 AI professionals by Summer 2024 to foster a skilled AI workforce.


Vice President Kamala Harris has announced a significant policy initiative by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to establish the first government-wide framework for managing the risks and maximizing the benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within federal agencies. This initiative is a direct response to President Biden’s Executive Order on AI, which calls for comprehensive action to enhance AI safety, privacy, equity, and innovation. Federal agencies are now tasked with adhering to strict guidelines to assess, test, and monitor AI impacts, mitigating algorithmic discrimination and ensuring transparency in AI applications. By setting a deadline of December 1, 2024, for agencies to comply with these safeguards, the policy emphasizes the government’s commitment to protecting citizens’ rights and safety in areas such as healthcare, employment, and housing.

Moreover, the OMB policy seeks to foster an environment of open innovation and public trust through expanded transparency and reporting of AI use cases. This includes the publication of AI inventories and metrics, as well as the release of government-owned AI code and data. Additionally, the policy encourages federal agencies to innovate responsibly with AI technology, highlighting its potential to address critical challenges like climate change, public health, and public safety. The guidance also outlines steps to strengthen the federal AI workforce, including a significant hiring initiative and enhanced AI training programs. With these measures, the Biden-Harris Administration aims to position the U.S. government as a global leader in the ethical and effective use of AI, ensuring accountability, oversight, and public benefit from AI advancements.

Source: FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Announces OMB Policy to Advance Governance, Innovation, and Risk Management in Federal Agencies’ Use of Artificial Intelligence

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