AI military

US Marines Evaluate Robot Dogs with AI-Targeting Rifles

The US Marines are testing AI-equipped robotic dogs that feature automatic targeting systems but still require human approval to fire.

Main Points:

  • Robot Dog Development: The US Marine Special Ops Command (MARSOC) is evaluating robotic dogs developed by Ghost Robotics, armed with weapon systems from Onyx Industries.
  • AI Targeting Systems: These quadrupeds feature Onyx’s SENTRY system, which can identify and track targets but requires human oversight for firing.
  • Ethical Concerns: The rise of increasingly autonomous military weapons has sparked concerns about future warfare and the ethical implications of deploying such systems.


The United States Marine Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) is testing a new generation of AI-enhanced robotic dogs developed by Ghost Robotics and armed with remote weapons from Onyx Industries. These quadrupedal unmanned ground vehicles (Q-UGVs) utilize Onyx’s SENTRY remote weapon system, which uses AI imaging to detect and track targets. Although these robotic dogs can identify potential threats like drones or vehicles, they still require human oversight before firing. The testing is part of a broader evaluation of possible applications, with an emphasis on reconnaissance, surveillance, and reducing human risk.

The growing presence of robotic dogs and their autonomous targeting capabilities raises ethical concerns around the potential misuse of these systems in warfare or even domestic policing. Similar incidents, such as the viral video of a rifle-mounted robotic dog, have ignited public fears and prompted pledges from robotics companies to refrain from weaponizing their products. As AI weaponry becomes more autonomous, experts are urging adherence to international laws and policies, emphasizing the need for a human to remain in the decision-making loop.

Source: Robot dogs armed with AI-targeting rifles undergo US Marines Special Ops evaluation

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