United States Proposes First UN Resolution for Global AI Governance

The United States has initiated the first United Nations resolution on artificial intelligence (AI) to promote global standards for “safe, secure, and trustworthy” AI technologies. This move aims to bridge the digital divide and ensure equitable access to AI benefits worldwide.

Key Points:

  • Global Consensus: The draft aims to achieve a worldwide agreement on developing and utilizing AI systems that are safe, secure, and trustworthy, emphasizing the need for global discussions on AI governance.
  • Inclusive Access: It seeks to ensure that all countries, especially those in the developing world, have the opportunity to leverage AI advancements for critical areas such as disease detection, flood prediction, and workforce training.
  • Support for UN Development Goals: The resolution links AI’s potential to accelerate progress towards the UN’s 2030 development goals, including ending global hunger, ensuring education for all, and achieving gender equality.
  • International Collaboration: Encourages cooperation among countries, organizations, and various sectors to develop regulatory frameworks that safeguard human rights and fundamental freedoms in the context of AI.
  • Historic Step: Marked as an historic initiative by U.S. officials, this resolution, if adopted, could significantly contribute to shaping a safe and equitable future for AI technology globally.


In a move spearheaded by the United States, the United Nations is considering its first resolution dedicated to artificial intelligence (AI). This initiative represents a significant step toward ensuring that AI technology is developed in a manner that is secure, ethical, and accessible to all nations, with particular attention to the needs of the developing world. The proposed resolution addresses the rapid growth and application of AI, underscoring the necessity for a global consensus on its safe and trustworthy use. It seeks not only to define principles for AI governance but also to leverage AI for societal benefits, from healthcare improvements to disaster prediction and workforce training.

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan highlighted the resolution’s intent to initiate a comprehensive global dialogue on managing AI’s implications. The draft, having undergone extensive consultations and revisions with input from a vast majority of U.N. member states, showcases a collective endeavor to address the ethical, legal, and social implications of AI. This includes a commitment to developing and supporting regulatory frameworks that ensure AI systems are designed and deployed responsibly, with adequate safeguards against misuse and in accordance with international law.

The resolution also aligns with the European Union’s move towards setting a global precedent with its own AI regulations, pointing to a burgeoning international focus on crafting a coherent and harmonious approach to AI governance. As nations worldwide grapple with the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, the U.S.-led resolution at the U.N. signals a pivotal moment in the global discourse, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, inclusivity, and foresight in harnessing the transformative power of AI for the common good. If adopted, this resolution could mark a historic milestone in the journey towards fostering a global ecosystem where AI serves as a catalyst for sustainable development and human progress, underpinned by a commitment to safety, security, and universal access.

Source: US spearheads first UN resolution on artificial intelligence — aimed at ensuring equal access

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