US Japan AI

U.S. and Japan Launch Major Collaborative Initiatives in AI, Quantum Computing, and Semiconductors

The U.S. and Japan have announced significant new collaborative efforts in AI, quantum computing, and semiconductors, highlighting their evolving partnership in global technology leadership.

Main Points:

  • AI Initiatives: A new $110 million AI research partnership involves major universities and tech companies from both countries, focusing on developing leadership in AI technologies and establishing AI Safety Institutes.
  • Quantum Computing and Semiconductors: The collaboration extends to quantum computing with new partnerships and commercial deals, alongside initiatives to enhance semiconductor technology cooperation and workforce development.
  • Human Capital Development: The initiatives also emphasize human capital development through STEM education exchanges, technology curriculums, and programs designed to foster a new generation of tech innovators.


This week, the United States and Japan unveiled a series of ambitious technology initiatives during Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio’s official visit to the White House. These initiatives, which were a focal point of discussions between President Biden and Prime Minister Kishida, are set to bolster the U.S.-Japan alliance with a strong emphasis on innovation in areas critical to global technology leadership.

In artificial intelligence, the two nations launched a significant $110 million research partnership involving top universities and leading tech companies like NVIDIA and Microsoft. This move aims to secure a leadership position in AI development and includes the creation of national AI Safety Institutes and commitments to transparent governance of AI technologies. Quantum computing also received a major boost with new collaborative efforts between national institutes and universities aimed at developing a skilled workforce and robust supply chains. Additionally, the announcement included significant new ventures in semiconductor technologies, aiming to strengthen cooperative ties and technical capabilities in this essential sector.

Beyond the technological hardware and software advancements, there was a significant focus on human capital development. The U.S. and Japan are looking to foster a generation of skilled professionals through education exchanges, updated technology curriculums, and entrepreneurial programs. These efforts underscore the comprehensive nature of the U.S.-Japan technology partnership, which not only focuses on current technological needs but also prepares for future challenges and opportunities in a highly competitive global environment.

Source: US and Japan announce sweeping AI and tech collaboration

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