AI data center

The Looming Crisis of AI and Data Center Sustainability

The surge in AI technology use threatens to overwhelm global data center capacity, creating potential energy and infrastructure crises.

Main Points:

  • AI technology demands are rapidly increasing data center capacity needs, with Europe and North America experiencing record-high demands and significant growth in net absorption rates.
  • The power consumption by AI technology, especially by AI chips like those from Nvidia, could drastically increase, potentially matching the entire electricity usage of Japan by 2026.
  • Despite the challenges, advancements in data center technologies and AI’s potential to optimize energy usage could mitigate some of the risks associated with rising demand.


The explosive growth of artificial intelligence is pushing data centers to their limits, with a potential crisis looming over their capacity to handle the increased load. Data centers across Europe and North America are already facing unprecedented demands, and the situation is expected to intensify. The new AI technologies not only require more space but are also significantly more energy-intensive. For instance, Nvidia’s latest AI chips are projected to increase energy demands by 400% to 500% per rack, which could strain existing power supplies to a breaking point.

However, there is a silver lining as the industry moves towards more efficient technologies, including liquid cooling systems that can drastically reduce the energy needed for cooling. Moreover, AI itself may offer solutions by optimizing data center operations and energy usage, potentially easing some of the pressure. As data centers evolve to accommodate these advanced technologies, the balance between rapid AI growth and infrastructure capability will be critical to maintaining system stability and efficiency.

Source: Could the AI revolution crash our data centers?

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