Microsoft Recall

Microsoft’s Recall feature in Windows 11 has drawn criticism from security experts due to its potential privacy and security risks. Main Points: Continuous Monitoring: The Recall feature takes frequent screenshots of user activity, raising concerns about privacy and data security. Security Risks: Experts warn that the stored data can beContinue Reading

AI copyright infringement

OpenAI and Microsoft are being sued by authors for allegedly using copyrighted books without permission to train their AI models, including ChatGPT. Main Points: Allegations Against OpenAI and Microsoft: Authors claim OpenAI copied tens of thousands of nonfiction books to train its AI models without permission. High-Profile Plaintiffs: Notable authorsContinue Reading

Microsoft building

President Joe Biden visits Microsoft’s new AI facility in Wisconsin, contrasting his job creation initiatives with the failed Foxconn project backed by former President Trump. Main Points: Microsoft announces a $3.3 billion investment in a new data hub in Wisconsin to train workers in artificial intelligence, promising over 2,000 permanentContinue Reading


A year of responsible, large-scale generative AI development provides crucial lessons on transparency, collaboration, and balancing innovation with accountability. Main Points: Transparency and Accountability Microsoft emphasizes clear guidelines, tools, and transparency notes to foster responsible AI usage. Collaboration and Ecosystem Support The company encourages organizations to collaborate with AI expertsContinue Reading

Microsoft Phi-3

Microsoft has introduced the Phi-3 family of AI models, including its smallest model, Phi-3-mini, designed to provide competitive performance, safety features, and cost-effectiveness. Main Points: Phi-3 Family Introduction: Microsoft launched the Phi-3 family of AI models, starting with the Phi-3-mini model (3.8B parameters). It’s optimized for lightweight usage while providingContinue Reading

AI data

Big Tech companies are increasingly purchasing vast quantities of AI training data from various sources, including long-forgotten social media platforms, amidst growing legal and ethical concerns. Main Points: Photobucket, once a leading image-hosting site, is negotiating with tech giants to license its 13 billion photos and videos for AI training,Continue Reading

Microsoft Mistral

Microsoft announces a groundbreaking partnership with French startup Mistral AI, aiming to diversify its AI technology sources and reduce reliance on OpenAI. Key Points: Strategic Collaboration: Microsoft’s alliance with Mistral AI, an emerging leader in AI efficiency and cost-effectiveness, marks a pivotal step towards nurturing innovative AI technologies. Financial Investment:Continue Reading

AI elections

A recent report by CrowdStrike reveals an alarming trend: state-linked hackers and hacktivists are utilizing generative AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns targeting global elections in 2024, posing unprecedented challenges to cybersecurity and democracy. Key Points: State-linked actors and hacktivists from countries including Russia, China, NorthContinue Reading