Meta AI watermarked

AudioSeal is a watermarking system for AI-generated audio. Main Points: Detection and Accuracy: AudioSeal can identify AI-generated segments in audio files with up to 100% accuracy. Availability: The tool is available for free on GitHub and can be applied to any AI-generated speech. Challenges: Despite its promise, widespread adoption isContinue Reading

Meta AI data

Meta’s plan to use personal data for AI training without consent is under scrutiny, with privacy advocates demanding immediate action from EU regulators. Main Points: NOYB filed complaints in 11 EU countries against Meta’s data use for AI. Meta defends its practices, citing compliance with privacy laws. The European CourtContinue Reading

AI data

Big Tech companies are increasingly purchasing vast quantities of AI training data from various sources, including long-forgotten social media platforms, amidst growing legal and ethical concerns. Main Points: Photobucket, once a leading image-hosting site, is negotiating with tech giants to license its 13 billion photos and videos for AI training,Continue Reading

Meta AI

Meta announces adjustments to its content moderation policies, aiming to label AI-generated and manipulated media more clearly before the upcoming elections. Main Points: Meta will start labeling AI-generated content from May, following the Oversight Board’s criticism of the company’s “incoherent and confusing” policies on manipulated media. The policy change comesContinue Reading