AI creativity

Study Finds That Generative AI Surpasses Human Creativity in Idea Generation

Research from The Wharton School and Cornell University reveals that generative AI can outperform humans in both the quantity and quality of creative idea generation.

Main Points:

  • A study by researchers from The Wharton School and Cornell University indicates that generative AI, specifically ChatGPT-4, can generate more and higher-quality ideas for innovation than humans.
  • In a direct competition, human event planners were outperformed by their AI counterparts in creating innovative marketing campaigns, challenging the belief that AI is only suitable for rote tasks.
  • The research suggests that utilizing generative AI for ideation can significantly enhance the productivity and creativity of teams, moving beyond the man versus machine debate to a collaborative approach.


In a groundbreaking study titled “Ideas Are Dimes a Dozen: Large Language Models for Idea Generation in Innovation,” researchers at The Wharton School and Cornell University have put the conventional wisdom that generative AI is limited to performing rote tasks to the test. Through a competition and extensive research, they demonstrated that generative AI, particularly ChatGPT-4, excels in creative ideation, outpacing human capabilities in generating innovative ideas for a new retail product targeted at U.S. college students. The study revealed that ChatGPT-4 could produce a significantly higher number of ideas within the same timeframe compared to human ideators, including business school students and professional event planners.

Moreover, the quality of ideas generated by AI was found to be superior, suggesting that generative AI can indeed surpass human creativity under certain conditions. This challenges the long-held belief that creative work would remain a uniquely human domain. Wharton professor Christian Terwiesch, one of the study’s authors, emphasized the practical implications of these findings, advocating for the adoption of generative AI as a “creative co-pilot” to enhance innovation processes. This approach not only boosts the generation of ideas but also helps in navigating through the more critical phase of evaluating them, thus accelerating the overall innovation pipeline. The study marks a significant shift in understanding AI’s role in creative industries, suggesting a collaborative future where AI and humans work together to achieve greater innovation.

Source: Who Is More Creative: Humans or Gen AI?

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