OpenAI covert influence operations

OpenAI Uncovers Five Covert Influence Operations

OpenAI identified and halted five covert influence operations using its AI models for malicious purposes without significant audience engagement.

Main Points:

  • Disrupting Operations: OpenAI thwarted campaigns from Russia, China, Iran, and Israel involving social media manipulation and fake profiles.
  • Methods Used: Operations included generating comments, translating texts, and debugging code.
  • Defensive Measures: OpenAI’s safety systems and industry collaboration played key roles in identifying and mitigating these threats.


In the past three months, OpenAI has successfully disrupted five covert influence operations exploiting its AI models for deceptive activities online. These operations, originating from Russia, China, Iran, and Israel, involved generating fake comments, creating social media profiles, translating texts, and debugging code. Despite these efforts, none of these campaigns achieved significant engagement due to OpenAI’s proactive safety measures and efficient investigation tools. The company’s commitment to designing safe AI and collaborating with industry peers has been crucial in mitigating such threats and enhancing the overall security of AI applications.

Source: OpenAI disrupts five covert influence operations

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