NLEPs Enhance LLMs with Symbolic Reasoning

NLEPs significantly boost the accuracy and versatility of LLMs in solving complex reasoning tasks by integrating Python program generation.

Main Points:

  • Enhanced Accuracy: NLEPs improve GPT-4’s symbolic reasoning accuracy to over 90%.
  • Efficiency and Transparency: Users can directly fix errors in generated programs without rerunning entire models.
  • Data Privacy and Reusability: NLEPs can enhance data privacy by running locally and allow task reusability by modifying variables.


Researchers have developed Natural Language Embedded Programs (NLEPs) to bridge the gap between large language models (LLMs) and symbolic reasoning tasks. This innovative approach prompts LLMs to generate Python programs to solve user queries and deliver results in natural language. NLEPs follow a four-step process involving package calling, knowledge import, solution implementation, and result output. This method not only improves accuracy and efficiency but also offers greater transparency as users can directly address program errors.

The introduction of NLEPs has enabled GPT-4 to achieve over 90% accuracy in symbolic reasoning tasks, surpassing traditional prompting methods by 30%. Additionally, running programs locally can enhance data privacy and improve the performance of smaller language models without expensive retraining. Despite its advantages, NLEPs depend on a model’s program generation capability, necessitating further research to optimize smaller models and explore prompt variations. This groundbreaking research, supported by the Center for Perceptual and Interactive Intelligence of Hong Kong, will be presented at an upcoming computational linguistics conference.

Source: NLEPs: Bridging the gap between LLMs and symbolic reasoning

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