Newsome over-regulating AI

Newsom Takes on AI Regulation in California

Governor Newsom’s administration is set to implement comprehensive AI regulations to address concerns over job displacement, privacy, misinformation, and public safety.

Main Points:

  • Legislative Push: California lawmakers are preparing over a dozen bills to regulate AI, addressing issues such as job loss, privacy, and biased algorithms.
  • Balancing Act: Newsom aims to balance safeguarding the public while ensuring California remains a hub for technological innovation.
  • Industry Response: The tech industry, including major AI firms, is preparing to engage with policymakers to shape forthcoming regulations.


California is positioning itself at the forefront of AI regulation, with Governor Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers preparing a series of bills aimed at curbing the potential negative impacts of AI technology. These measures are set to address various concerns, including job displacement, privacy invasion, the spread of misinformation, and the use of biased decision-making algorithms. The legislative efforts reflect a broader intent to avoid past mistakes made with the internet, where insufficient early regulation led to significant societal issues later on.

Governor Newsom, known for his pro-innovation stance, is navigating a complex landscape where he must balance the need for stringent regulations with the imperative to keep California’s tech industry thriving. This involves not only mitigating risks but also fostering an environment where technological advancements can continue to flourish. Newsom’s recent executive order to study AI’s development and risks exemplifies this cautious yet forward-thinking approach.

The AI regulation push in California is expected to influence national and global standards, given the state’s significant role in tech innovation. Industry players, while wary of over-regulation, are keen to participate in the legislative process to help shape practical and effective rules. This collaborative approach aims to ensure that AI advancements benefit society while minimizing potential harms.

Source: Gavin Newsom warns against perils of over-regulating AI

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