NYT sues OpenAI

New York Times Sues OpenAI and Microsoft Over AI’s Use of Its Content

Key Points:

  • The New York Times has filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft, alleging illegal use of its journalistic content to train chatbots.
  • The suit claims the AI models, like GPT-4, use the Times’ material without permission, potentially damaging the newspaper’s reputation and revenue.
  • OpenAI and Microsoft’s rapid growth in AI technology and their partnership, including Microsoft’s significant investment in OpenAI, are highlighted.
  • The lawsuit is part of a broader concern among content creators about AI’s impact on intellectual property and business models.

Narrative Summary: The New York Times is taking a stand against the rising influence of artificial intelligence in the news industry. On December 27, 2023, they filed a federal lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft. The core of the lawsuit is the claim that these tech giants are using the Times’ journalistic content without permission to train their AI models, such as ChatGPT and Bing Chat. This practice, according to the Times, is not only illegal but also a threat to their business, as it diverts web traffic and potential revenue from their platforms.

OpenAI and Microsoft’s relationship is a significant part of this story. Microsoft, a major backer of OpenAI since 2019, has invested heavily (over $13 billion) and integrated OpenAI’s technology into its products. However, both companies have remained silent on this lawsuit.

The implications of this legal action are extensive. It reflects a growing concern among content creators about how AI technology could infringe on intellectual property rights and disrupt traditional business models. The Times’ case is not isolated, as similar lawsuits and complaints have been raised by other writers and organizations.

This lawsuit could be a turning point in how AI technology is developed and used, especially concerning the use of existing content to train AI models. It echoes historical legal battles, like the one against Napster, suggesting that the outcome could significantly impact the AI industry and content creation sector.


Source: The New York Times, Claiming Its Stories Are Being Used To Train Chatbots, Sues OpenAI and Microsoft

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