AI NJ schools

New Jersey Schools Implement AI Surveillance Amidst Controversy

New Jersey’s education system is introducing extensive AI surveillance measures, including 7,700 AI cameras in Newark schools to bolster security and monitor for potential threats.

Main Points:

  • Extensive Camera Installation: Newark schools will install over 7,000 AI-powered surveillance cameras by the end of August under a $12 million contract.
  • Security vs. Privacy: The AI system aims to improve safety but has sparked debates about privacy invasion and potential misuse.
  • Funding and Implementation: The project is funded through federal COVID relief funds, local funds, and grants, with Turn-Key Technologies handling installation.


New Jersey’s education system is embarking on a significant technological upgrade by introducing new AI guidelines and surveillance measures in schools. Newark, the state’s largest school district, will install 7,700 AI-equipped cameras across its schools by the end of August. This initiative, funded by a $12 million contract partially covered by federal COVID relief funds, aims to enhance school safety by providing real-time monitoring and detecting potential threats such as weapons and vape pens.

However, the project has ignited a debate over privacy concerns. While school officials assure that the surveillance system will not infringe on student privacy and will be restricted to approved areas, critics worry about the potential for misuse and the accuracy of AI in identifying threats. The district has a history of investing in security, including metal detectors and patrol cars, and plans to continue upgrading its safety measures alongside the new AI cameras.

Despite the controversy, the Newark Board of Education and city officials emphasize that the primary goal is to create a safer environment for students and staff, ensuring that any security enhancements are transparent and regulated to prevent privacy violations.

Source: New Jersey welcomes ‘artificial intelligence moonshot’ to schools

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