AI brain

New AI Tool Reveals Sex-Based Differences in Brain Structure

A recent study utilizing artificial intelligence has uncovered distinct structural differences in the brains of men and women.

Main Points:

  • AI-based analysis of MRI scans has revealed variations in brain microstructure related to sex, potentially improving diagnostics and treatment for neurological conditions.
  • The study, conducted by NYU Langone Health, avoided bias by not focusing on predefined areas, instead allowing machine learning algorithms to identify patterns.
  • Findings may impact understanding of diseases like multiple sclerosis and autism, which manifest differently across sexes.


Researchers at NYU Langone Health have developed an AI tool that identifies sex-based differences in brain structure by analyzing MRI scans. This study utilized machine learning techniques to examine the brain scans of 471 men and 560 women, successfully identifying distinct patterns that are not visible to the human eye. The AI was trained to distinguish between male and female brains by learning from a data set that included the biological sex linked to each scan, thereby providing new insights into brain organization at a cellular level.

The findings, confirmed by multiple AI models, show that these structural differences could influence how neurological disorders affect individuals differently depending on their sex. This research opens the door to more personalized approaches in neurology and psychiatry, potentially leading to better outcomes in treating conditions that are known to differ between sexes, such as multiple sclerosis and autism. The researchers emphasized the importance of using diverse data sets to avoid biases that could skew results, and they plan to further explore how these structural differences develop over time.

Source: Artificial intelligence tool detects sex-related differences in brain structure

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