AI workplace

Navigating the AI Skills Landscape to Boost Job Competitiveness

Learning AI skills is becoming crucial in the job market to enhance competitiveness and employability, as emphasized by industry experts.

Main Points:

  • Increasing AI Adoption: Businesses and employees are increasingly adopting AI skills to stay competitive, with AI skills preferred even over experience in hiring decisions.
  • Skills Gap Concerns: There’s a notable gap in AI proficiency in the workforce, with many leaders concerned about the lack of talent capable of handling AI technologies.
  • Self-Learning Challenges: While many are turning to self-learning AI skills using online resources, there are risks associated with data security and the effectiveness of learning.


As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a pivotal force in the global job market, both individuals and companies are under pressure to adapt. Laurence Liew, director for AI Innovation at AI Singapore, highlighted during a Salesforce event that individuals adept at using AI would likely surpass those who do not. This sentiment is supported by the 2024 Microsoft Work Trends Index, which shows a preference for hiring candidates with AI skills over those with more experience but lacking in AI capabilities.

However, the rapid integration of AI in the workplace also presents challenges, particularly in self-learning environments where individuals may not fully understand the implications of using open-source AI tools with sensitive data. To address these challenges, experts recommend a careful approach to learning AI skills, focusing on effective communication with AI systems and ensuring data security. As AI tools become commonplace, like spell-checkers, mastering these skills will be akin to basic computer literacy in the near future.

Source: AI may not replace you, but someone who uses it can — here’s the No. 1 skill you need to stay relevant

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