Meta AI watermarked

Meta Develops Tool to Watermark AI-Generated Speech

AudioSeal is a watermarking system for AI-generated audio.

Main Points:

  • Detection and Accuracy: AudioSeal can identify AI-generated segments in audio files with up to 100% accuracy.
  • Availability: The tool is available for free on GitHub and can be applied to any AI-generated speech.
  • Challenges: Despite its promise, widespread adoption is hindered by vulnerability to tampering and the need for voluntary usage.


Meta’s AudioSeal aims to address the misuse of AI-generated speech, such as deepfakes, by embedding detectable watermarks within audio files. This tool, which offers high detection accuracy, could significantly aid in distinguishing real audio from AI-generated content, helping mitigate issues like scams and misinformation. However, the tool faces challenges, including the potential for tampering and lack of industry standards. Its effectiveness also depends on users voluntarily applying these watermarks, and the system’s fragility when attackers have access to the watermark detector.

Source: Meta has created a way to watermark AI-generated speech

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