Japan AI

Japan Leverages AI to Tackle Worker Shortage Amid Aging Population

Japan is increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to address its growing labor shortages and aging workforce across various sectors.

Main Points:

  • AI in Manufacturing: AI-driven technology is being adopted in factories, like Osaka Ohsho, to maintain production efficiency with less manpower, doubling the speed of dumpling production compared to other sites.
  • Agricultural Advancements: AI applications in agriculture help Japanese farmers diagnose crop diseases and pests, improving efficiency despite the aging farmer demographic.
  • Educational Tools: AI-powered tools are being introduced in education to enhance English language learning, providing personalized conversation practice to students despite limited teacher availability.


In response to a significant labor shortage exacerbated by a declining and aging population, Japan is embracing AI technologies across various industries. AI is proving essential in manufacturing settings, such as the Osaka Ohsho dumpling factory, where it has halved the required manpower by automating quality control processes. In agriculture, AI helps bridge the expertise gap caused by a diminishing number of agricultural professionals, aiding farmers in disease and pest diagnosis through apps like Nichino AI.

The education sector also benefits from AI, with tools like the Equmenopolis app enabling students to practice English conversationally, addressing the shortage of qualified language teachers. Despite the integration of these technologies, there remains a consensus that AI cannot completely replace human roles, particularly in nuanced fields such as education. Nonetheless, the strategic deployment of AI is seen as crucial to sustaining Japan’s economic and social infrastructure amid ongoing demographic challenges.

Source: Can AI help solve Japan’s labour shortages?

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