US China AI

High-Level US-China AI Talks Set in Geneva

US and Chinese envoys will convene in Geneva to discuss AI technologies, focusing on risk management and setting international standards.

Main Points:

  • The Geneva meeting marks the first high-level dialogue on AI between the US and China, stemming from discussions between Presidents Biden and Xi Jinping.
  • The US aims to address AI risks by promoting voluntary industry commitments and safety testing, while also viewing China’s AI advancements as potential threats to national security.
  • Both nations are heavily investing in AI for economic and military purposes, with global governance of AI risks as a key agenda item.


High-ranking officials from the United States and China are scheduled to meet in Geneva to explore the implications of artificial intelligence, signifying a crucial dialogue in light of increasing technological advancements. This meeting follows an agreement for ongoing AI discussions made during a summit between US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The discussion will focus on creating safe and reliable AI technologies and establishing global norms and standards.

The US delegation, led by presidential advisor Tarun Chhabra and the State Department’s Seth Center, will present strategies to mitigate AI-related risks. These include forming partnerships with leading tech companies for voluntary commitments and implementing safety tests for AI products. The dialogue also aims to address concerns over China’s AI initiatives, which the US perceives as potential threats to its national security and that of its allies. This meeting is part of broader efforts by global leaders to manage the rapid progression of AI technologies, which are expected to transform various sectors including national security, the economy, and daily life.

Source: China and US envoys will hold the first top-level dialogue on artificial intelligence in Geneva

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