AI food waste

Hellmann’s Introduces “Meal Reveal” AI Tool to Combat Food Waste with Recipe Suggestions

Hellmann’s, in partnership with Google Cloud, has launched “Meal Reveal,” an AI-driven tool designed to reduce food waste by suggesting recipes based on the ingredients users have in their fridges.

Main Points:

  • Meal Reveal uses AI to scan ingredients in your fridge: By scanning food items with a mobile phone camera, the app identifies ingredients and suggests delicious recipes, leveraging Google Cloud’s Vertex AI capabilities.
  • Designed to address “fridge blindness” and reduce food waste: The tool aims to help users overcome the common problem of not knowing what to cook with available ingredients, a significant factor in household food waste.
  • Part of a broader effort to promote sustainability and waste reduction: Hellmann’s and Google Cloud’s collaboration on Meal Reveal underscores a growing trend of using AI technology to tackle environmental challenges, including food waste.


Hellmann’s latest innovation, “Meal Reveal,” aims to make a dent in the global issue of food waste by helping households transform overlooked fridge ingredients into tasty meals. Developed with Google Cloud, this AI-enabled tool allows users to scan their fridge contents with their mobile phones, identifying ingredients and suggesting matching recipes using advanced AI technologies like Gemini Pro Vision and PaLM 2. This initiative tackles the problem of “fridge blindness,” where consumers struggle to visualize meal options among their available ingredients, contributing to significant food waste annually.

The launch of Meal Reveal is a response to the staggering statistics of food wastage, with millions of tons of food thrown away each year in the UK and US alone. By providing a convenient, tech-driven solution, Hellmann’s aims to encourage more sustainable consumption patterns among consumers. The tool’s development also reflects a broader embrace of AI by sustainability-focused organizations to address various environmental challenges, from reducing greenwash in communications to creating ethical supply chains. As Meal Reveal gains more users, its ability to recommend recipes will improve, further aiding Hellmann’s mission to “Make Taste, Not Waste.” The initiative, revealed during Food Waste Action Week, highlights Hellmann’s ongoing commitment to reducing food waste and promoting creativity in the kitchen.

Source: Hellmann’s Unveils AI-Enabled Tool to Reveal Your Fridge’s Meal Potential

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