AI sepsis

Groundbreaking AI Sepsis Diagnostic Tool Receives FDA Approval

Prenosis’ AI-powered diagnostic tool, designed to accurately diagnose sepsis, has been authorized by the FDA, marking a significant advancement in medical technology.

Main Points:

  • FDA Approval: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Prenosis’ artificial intelligence-powered diagnostic tool for sepsis, making it the first of its kind to receive such authorization.
  • Sepsis ImmunoScore: Utilizing 22 different parameters, the tool aids clinicians in assessing a patient’s risk of sepsis by generating an overall risk score and four categories correlating to the patient’s risk of deterioration.
  • Innovation and Accuracy: Prenosis’ Sepsis ImmunoScore, developed on the Immunix platform with a dataset of over 100,000 blood samples, integrates directly into electronic health records, facilitating ease of use and improving the accuracy of sepsis diagnosis.


Prenosis has achieved a significant milestone in healthcare technology by receiving FDA approval for its artificial intelligence-powered diagnostic tool, specifically designed for the accurate diagnosis of sepsis. This authorization, through the FDA’s De Novo pathway, highlights the unique and innovative nature of Prenosis’ solution, dubbed Sepsis ImmunoScore. The tool leverages 22 different health parameters, such as temperature and heart rate, to generate a comprehensive risk score that aids clinicians in early sepsis detection and management.

The significance of this development is underscored by the challenging nature of diagnosing sepsis, a condition responsible for over 350,000 adult deaths or hospice discharges annually in the U.S. alone. The Sepsis ImmunoScore was developed using data from more than 100,000 blood samples, ensuring its accuracy and reliability. By integrating seamlessly into electronic health records, it promises to revolutionize sepsis diagnosis by making it more accessible and accurate.

Furthermore, the approval of Sepsis ImmunoScore sets a precedent for AI in healthcare, especially in the diagnosis of life-threatening conditions. While other institutions like Johns Hopkins University and companies like Epic Systems have developed similar AI tools, Prenosis’ FDA-approved solution stands out for its commitment to regulatory compliance and patient safety. The company’s cautious approach to selling the product, opting to seek FDA approval before market release, exemplifies its dedication to delivering a reliable and effective diagnostic tool. With plans to expand its use to hospitals worldwide, Prenosis is poised to make a significant impact on how sepsis is diagnosed and managed, potentially saving thousands of lives annually.

Source: FDA authorizes Prenosis software as first AI tool that can diagnose sepsis

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