Google AI errors

Google Scales Back AI Overviews After Controversial Search Results

Google has scaled back its AI-generated search summaries following widespread criticism over erroneous and potentially harmful responses.

Main Points:

  • High-Profile Errors: Google’s AI search tool generated controversial advice, including using glue in pizza and consuming rocks, based on user-generated content from forums and satirical sources.
  • Technical Improvements: Google has made over a dozen adjustments to its AI systems, focusing on better detecting humor and satire, and limiting user-generated content in responses.
  • Future Restrictions: The company will restrict AI-generated replies for certain sensitive topics and health-related queries to prevent further misinformation.


Google has decided to scale back the implementation of its AI-generated search summaries after the feature produced several high-profile mistakes. Notably, the AI advised users to put glue on their pizza and eat rocks, responses that were derived from forums and satirical content. These blunders quickly went viral, prompting widespread criticism and concern over the reliability of Google’s AI-generated information​.

In response, Google has implemented more than a dozen technical improvements to its AI systems. These include enhancements to detect humor and satire, as well as restrictions on including user-generated content in search summaries. Additionally, the company will limit the appearance of AI-generated replies for certain health and sensitive topics to prevent the dissemination of misleading or harmful advice. Google’s goal is to ensure the accuracy and helpfulness of information provided by its AI tools while maintaining user trust.

Source: Google Pumps Brakes on AI Overviews Search After Telling Us to Eat Glue, Rocks

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