AI blue collar

Gen Z Shifts Towards Blue-Collar Careers as a Hedge Against AI Displacement

Amid increasing educational costs and AI’s impact on job security, Gen Z is progressively opting for blue-collar jobs that AI cannot easily replace.

Main Points:

  • The high costs of college education and the evolving job market influenced by AI are driving more Gen Z individuals towards trade schools and blue-collar jobs.
  • Enrollment in vocational community colleges has increased by 16% since 2018, indicating a growing preference for practical skills over traditional four-year degrees.
  • Trade careers are seen as a pathway to entrepreneurship, offering quicker and more cost-effective routes to job security and business ownership.


As artificial intelligence reshapes the landscape of white-collar jobs, Gen Z is increasingly recognizing the value of blue-collar careers that are less susceptible to automation. This trend, highlighted by Lincoln Tech CEO Scott Shaw and others in the industry, reflects a strategic pivot away from the traditional college path, which has been burdened by soaring tuition costs and uncertain job prospects in certain fields. Trade schools not only provide a more affordable education but also equip students with specialized skills that remain in high demand, particularly in essential services and infrastructure roles that AI cannot easily replicate.

The shift towards vocational training is also influenced by the broader economic benefits it offers. Trade jobs often lead directly to steady employment, providing a quicker return on educational investments. Furthermore, these roles frequently offer the potential for entrepreneurship, allowing individuals to start their own businesses in trades that are crucial to the economy’s backbone, like mechanical repairs, construction, and production. This transition is supported by statistics from various educational bodies and experts who anticipate that the interest in trade careers will continue to grow, underscoring a significant shift in how upcoming generations are planning their careers in an AI-driven future.

Source: Gen Zers are ‘catching the wave’ of blue-collar jobs that AI can’t take, tech CEO says

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