AI drug development

FDA to Release Guidance on AI in Drug Development in 2024

The FDA will release new guidelines in 2024 to regulate and guide the use of AI in drug development, promoting clarity and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.

Main Points:

  • Regulatory Clarity: The new guidance will provide detailed regulatory expectations for AI applications in drug development.
  • Promoting Innovation: By setting clear guidelines, the FDA aims to encourage the innovative use of AI in the pharmaceutical sector.
  • Industry Impact: These guidelines are expected to influence the development processes of drugs and biologics, impacting the entire pharmaceutical industry.


The FDA is set to release comprehensive guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence in drug development later this year. This move aims to provide much-needed regulatory clarity to pharmaceutical companies, ensuring they understand the expectations and requirements when incorporating AI into their development processes. The guidance will cover various aspects of AI application, from initial research and development to clinical trials and manufacturing.

By establishing these guidelines, the FDA intends to foster innovation within the industry, enabling more effective and efficient drug development. This is expected to lead to improved therapeutic outcomes and potentially expedite the introduction of new treatments to the market. The forthcoming guidance underscores the FDA’s commitment to embracing cutting-edge technologies while ensuring that safety and efficacy standards are rigorously maintained.

Source: FDA plans to release AI drug development guidance this year

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