deepfake politics

Fake Biden Robocall Indictment Comes After AI Manipulation in the 2024 Primary

Main Points:

  • Artificial Intelligence Deepfake: An AI-generated voice mimicking President Joe Biden was used in a robocall to discourage New Hampshire voters from participating in the primary.
  • Legal and Political Response: The New Hampshire Attorney General has launched an investigation into the robocall, which is considered an illegal attempt to disrupt the election.
  • Broader Implications: This incident highlights the potential for AI and deepfake technology to interfere with elections and spread disinformation.


In a troubling development during the New Hampshire primary, an AI-generated robocall impersonating President Joe Biden urged Democratic voters not to cast their ballots. The sophisticated deepfake, designed to sound like Biden, advised voters to “save their vote” for the general election, falsely claiming that voting in the primary would benefit Republicans. This manipulation was traced back to a Texas-based company, prompting the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office to investigate the incident as an illegal attempt to suppress voter turnout​.

The Biden campaign quickly disavowed the robocall, emphasizing the importance of voting in every election. This case underscores the growing threat of AI and deepfake technology in political interference, as experts warn of its potential to create convincing disinformation campaigns. The New Hampshire Attorney General’s office has urged voters to report any suspicious calls and has reaffirmed that participation in the primary is crucial and does not preclude voting in the general election​.

Source: Consultant behind deepfaked Biden robocall fined $6m as new charges filed

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