AI deep fake

Fake AI-Generated Images of Katy Perry and Rihanna at Met Gala Go Viral Online

AI-generated images of Katy Perry and Rihanna falsely depicting them at the Met Gala sparked widespread confusion and raised concerns about the impact of deepfakes on public perception.

Main Points:

  • Fake AI Images: AI-generated images of Katy Perry and Rihanna attending the Met Gala surfaced online, despite neither being present at the event.
  • Viral Misinformation: These convincing deepfake images quickly went viral on social media, creating confusion about the stars’ participation in the event.
  • Growing AI Concerns: The incident highlights growing concerns over deepfakes and their potential to mislead the public, raising calls for stricter regulations.


Images of Katy Perry and Rihanna, apparently attending the Met Gala in striking costumes, quickly went viral across social media platforms. However, these images were later revealed to be AI-generated deepfakes. Neither celebrity had attended the high-profile fashion event, yet the digitally manipulated photos convincingly depicted their presence. The viral nature of these images sparked widespread confusion among online audiences.

This incident is one of the latest examples of how AI technologies can be exploited to create deepfake images that mislead the public. The increasing sophistication of these tools raises concerns about the potential of AI-generated content to fuel misinformation. As these digital fakes gain popularity, they highlight the urgent need for public awareness and potential regulatory frameworks to curb their negative impact.

Source: Even Katy Perry’s mom was fooled by what appeared to be AI-generated Met Gala pics

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