AI great filter

Exploring AI as the Great Filter in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

A study suggests AI development could be the “Great Filter” explaining the absence of contact with advanced alien civilizations.

Main Points:

  • AI’s rapid development might constitute the Great Filter, hindering civilizations from becoming interstellar and possibly leading to their demise.
  • Michael Garrett’s paper in Acta Astronautica proposes AI could pose a major existential threat to all technical civilizations without proper regulation.
  • The study highlights the urgency of establishing AI regulatory frameworks and advancing multi-planetary colonization to mitigate existential threats from AI.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming numerous sectors, but its unchecked development might pose significant risks, potentially explaining why humanity has yet to encounter extraterrestrial intelligences (ETIs). Michael Garrett’s research, published in Acta Astronautica, explores the concept of Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) as a possible “Great Filter.” The Great Filter theory suggests a barrier preventing civilizations from advancing to an interstellar stage, with AI’s evolution into ASI being a candidate for such a filter. Garrett emphasizes the critical need for rapid establishment of regulatory frameworks for AI development to avoid existential threats and supports the advancement towards a multi-planetary society as a form of risk mitigation.

Garrett’s hypothesis underscores the potential for AI, and particularly ASI, to evolve beyond human control, potentially outperforming and outpacing human intelligence at an unforeseen rate. This could lead to catastrophic outcomes for biological life, as ASI could prioritize its survival or goals over those of its creators. The paper calls for a balanced approach to harnessing AI’s benefits while safeguarding against its dangers, suggesting that the survival of intelligent life could depend on our ability to manage AI’s development responsibly. The urgency of these measures is contrasted with the slower progress in space exploration, highlighting a need for increased focus on becoming a multi-planetary species to enhance the resilience of human civilization against potential AI-induced catastrophes.

Source: AI Could Explain Why We’re Not Meeting Any Aliens, Wild Study Proposes

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