AI for personal finance

Embracing AI in Personal Finance: A 2023 Overview

Key Points:

  • Generative AI, like ChatGPT, is increasingly used for financial advice and planning.
  • 80% of Americans didn’t grow their emergency savings in 2023; AI offers accessible financial guidance.
  • Financial advisors are integrating AI for tasks like stock analysis and report generation.
  • Despite AI’s rise, it’s important to supplement AI advice with human judgment and professional guidance.

As 2023 ends, many Americans struggle with financial security despite a strong economy. A Bankrate survey reveals 80% didn’t increase emergency savings, and about 60% feel behind on this goal. High costs and insufficient retirement funds are major concerns. AI platforms, like ChatGPT, have gained popularity for offering free, personalized financial advice, helping users with budgeting, investments, and debt management.

AI tools, including automated budgeting and investment platforms, provide tailored financial strategies. These tools analyze extensive data, offering insights into various financial aspects. However, while AI enhances decision-making, it doesn’t replace the need for human advisors, especially for complex financial planning like estate management.

Financial advisors use AI for efficiency in research and analysis. AI’s capability to process large data sets benefits advisors in tasks like client communication and market analysis. Still, advisors caution against over-reliance on AI, emphasizing the need for critical evaluation of AI-generated advice.

The rise of AI and robo-advisors offers diverse options for financial advice. However, complex situations like estate planning require human advisors. When selecting an advisor, consider factors like fiduciary responsibility, professional designations, fee structures, and communication styles. Bankrate offers assistance in matching individuals with suitable financial advisors.


Source: Using generative artificial intelligence as a financial tool

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