AI readiness

Diverging AI Readiness Across the Globe

The IMF’s AI Preparedness Index shows varying levels of AI readiness, indicating that while some countries are well-prepared to integrate AI technologies, others risk falling further behind.

Main Points:

  • Global Disparities in AI Readiness: Advanced economies are generally better equipped for AI adoption, whereas many developing countries lack the necessary infrastructure and workforce skills.
  • Potential for Increased Inequality: AI may exacerbate global inequality, benefiting high-income countries and workers who can integrate AI while leaving others behind.
  • Policy Recommendations: To mitigate negative impacts, the IMF recommends investment in digital infrastructure, education, and robust regulatory frameworks.


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has developed an AI Preparedness Index that measures the readiness of 125 countries to adopt artificial intelligence across several dimensions, including digital infrastructure, human capital, labor market policies, and regulatory frameworks. This index indicates that advanced economies, such as the United States, Singapore, and Denmark, are the most prepared for AI integration due to strong performance across all categories. In contrast, many low-income countries are significantly less prepared, which could lead to increased economic disparities​​.

The IMF report suggests that AI could both complement and replace human jobs, with nearly 40% of global employment exposed to AI. Advanced economies might see 60% of jobs impacted, with half potentially benefiting from AI integration and the other half at risk of reduced demand and wages. Developing countries, with lower AI exposure, face a different set of challenges, including the need to build infrastructure and develop a skilled workforce to harness AI benefits. Without proactive measures, AI could deepen existing inequalities both within and between countries​​.

Policymakers are urged to implement comprehensive social safety nets, invest in education and training programs, and develop policies that encourage inclusive AI adoption. By doing so, countries can ensure that the benefits of AI are widely shared and do not exacerbate social and economic inequalities.

Source: Mapping the World’s Readiness for Artificial Intelligence Shows Prospects Diverge

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