AI crypto

Crypto and AI Predicted to Create a $20 Trillion Megatrend by 2030

Bitwise Asset Management forecasts that the integration of cryptocurrency and AI could contribute $20 trillion to the global economy by 2030.

Main Points:

  • Economic Impact: The combination of AI and crypto technologies could boost the global economy by $20 trillion.
  • Innovation Synergy: AI’s data processing capabilities and crypto’s decentralized finance systems are expected to complement each other, driving innovation.
  • Investment Opportunities: The intersection of these technologies presents significant investment opportunities for early adopters and tech-forward companies.


Bitwise Asset Management has projected that the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency could create a substantial economic shift, adding up to $20 trillion to the global economy by 2030. This prediction hinges on the synergistic benefits of AI’s advanced data processing and crypto’s decentralized financial structures. Together, they are expected to drive unprecedented innovation and efficiency across various industries.

The report highlights the potential for these technologies to revolutionize numerous sectors, including finance, healthcare, and logistics, by enhancing data security, optimizing operations, and creating new business models. For investors, the early stages of this integration present a prime opportunity to capitalize on what could be one of the most significant technological megatrends of the coming decade.

Source: Crypto and Artificial Intelligence Could be a $20 Trillion Megatrend, Bitwise Says

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