US China AI

China’s Ongoing Dependence on US AI Technology

China’s AI industry remains reliant on US technology despite efforts to develop domestic alternatives and regulatory measures to achieve self-sufficiency.

Main Points:

China’s Access to US AI Models

  • OpenAI’s key AI services are not officially available in China, but companies access them via VPNs.
  • Chinese firms often build applications on top of OpenAI’s models and benchmark their own AI against them.

Reliance on Open Source Models

  • Many Chinese AI models utilize open source models from Western companies like Meta’s Llama series.
  • China’s AI development faces challenges due to its lack of proprietary AI technology.

Beijing’s Self-Sufficiency Efforts

  • Chinese authorities are pushing for technological self-sufficiency and have rolled out regulations for AI use.
  • Despite efforts, Chinese models still lag behind US counterparts like OpenAI’s GPT-4 in many areas.


China’s dependence on US-developed AI technology persists, even as the country pushes for self-sufficiency. OpenAI’s key AI services, including ChatGPT, are not officially available in China, but many Chinese companies circumvent restrictions using VPNs. These companies build applications on top of OpenAI’s models and benchmark their AI against US standards. While China has developed some domestic AI models, many rely on open source technology from Western firms like Meta. This reliance highlights a significant challenge for China’s AI industry, which is under pressure from Beijing to achieve technological independence. Despite regulatory measures and efforts to develop proprietary AI technology, Chinese models continue to trail behind leading US AI systems.

Source: How dependent is China on US artificial intelligence technology?

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