AI shipping

Capella Space Enhances Maritime Surveillance with AI-Driven Satellite Imaging

Capella Space has launched AI-powered satellite imagery products, including automated ship identification and monitoring, to streamline maritime surveillance and remote sensing.

Main Points:

  1. Automated Ship Identification: Capella Space’s Vessel Detection product leverages AI and machine learning to identify and track maritime vessels, even in adverse weather conditions or nighttime.
  2. Change Monitoring: The new Change Detection and Global Change Monitoring products allow customers to schedule repeated surveillance and highlight shifts in monitored regions over time.
  3. Expanded Partnerships: Capella is partnering with analytics firms like Woolpert and Floodbase to broaden access to synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data and promote innovative uses.


Capella Space has introduced new AI-driven tools for automated monitoring using its synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites. The Vessel Detection product identifies ships automatically, presenting results alongside the satellite imagery. Change Detection and Global Change Monitoring products let customers specify repeat intervals to receive automated, high-resolution imagery for their regions of interest. These innovations assist with identifying behavioral patterns and tracking regional changes over time.

In partnership with analytics firms, including Woolpert and Floodbase, Capella is expanding the use of SAR imagery in sectors like flood mapping, energy, and defense. The integration of AI into satellite surveillance helps organizations analyze maritime traffic patterns and react quickly to global geopolitical and environmental challenges. These tools offer unprecedented insights into regions frequently obscured by darkness or clouds, enabling efficient surveillance and strategic decision-making​.

Source: Capella Space using AI to automate ship identification

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