AI washing

Businesses Have a New Strategy: AI Washing

The article explores the phenomenon of AI washing, where companies overstate the AI capabilities of their products to attract investment and consumer interest.

Main Points:

  • Definition of AI Washing: AI washing refers to the practice of exaggerating a product’s AI capabilities, akin to ‘greenwashing’ in environmental contexts.
  • Problems with AI Washing: It can obscure genuine innovation, erode consumer trust, mislead investors, and set unrealistic expectations about AI’s current abilities.
  • Spotting AI Washing: To identify AI washing, scrutinize claims about AI technology’s specifics and transparency, and evaluate the openness about the technology’s functionalities and limitations.


AI washing is the act of misrepresenting a product or service’s artificial intelligence capabilities to make it appear more advanced or efficient than it really is. This misleading practice, inspired by the concept of ‘greenwashing’ in environmental marketing, often involves companies overstating the intelligence of their technology to capitalize on the current AI hype and attract more investment. The dangers of AI washing include stifling real innovation by overshadowing actual advancements, eroding consumer trust as skepticism grows, misleading investors, and creating inflated expectations that cannot be met. To combat AI washing, consumers and investors need to develop a critical eye for evaluating AI claims, seeking detailed and transparent information about the technology used and its real-world applications. This discernment is crucial for fostering a more honest and effective AI marketplace.

Source: Spotting AI Washing: How Companies Overhype Artificial Intelligence

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