Brazil OpenAI AI

Brazil Partners with OpenAI to Reduce Legal Costs

Brazil is utilizing OpenAI’s AI technology to streamline lawsuit analysis and reduce significant legal costs impacting the federal budget.

Main Points:

  • Cost Reduction Strategy: Brazil will use OpenAI to identify and act on lawsuits early, reducing costly court-ordered debt payments.
  • AI Integration: Microsoft’s Azure platform will provide the AI services needed for the project.
  • Financial Impact: Court-ordered debt payments have significantly increased, projected to reach over 100 billion reais next year.


Brazil’s government has partnered with OpenAI to implement artificial intelligence in the management of its legal processes. By leveraging AI technology, the government aims to identify key legal actions and intervene before court decisions are finalized, thereby reducing the financial burden of court-ordered debt payments. The initiative, facilitated through Microsoft’s Azure platform, is expected to enhance efficiency and accuracy in legal proceedings without replacing human oversight. This measure comes as Brazil faces a substantial rise in legal costs, with projections showing a sharp increase in court-ordered debt payments, which have more than doubled since 2015.

Source: Brazil hires OpenAI to cut costs of court battles

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