Braintrust Air

Braintrust AI Brings AI to Job Recruitment

Braintrust Air revolutionizes the recruitment process with a fully autonomous AI recruiter, handling tasks from sourcing candidates to conducting job interviews.

Main Points:

  • Comprehensive Recruitment Tool: Braintrust describes Air as the first fully autonomous AI recruiter capable of managing the entire hiring process, including job postings, application reviews, and conducting interviews.
  • Efficiency and Innovation: Air enhances the efficiency of the recruitment process by quickly reviewing applications and conducting video interviews, providing tailored questions and real-time insights.
  • Bias Mitigation: Although AI recruitment raises concerns about potential biases, Braintrust claims Air is trained to overcome common human biases, promoting a more equitable hiring process.


Braintrust’s introduction of Air as a fully autonomous AI recruiter marks a significant innovation in the recruitment industry. Air is designed to handle various aspects of hiring, from creating job listings based on real-time market data to posting these openings on job boards. Once applications are received, Air can swiftly analyze them and select the best candidates for video interviews. This process not only speeds up hiring but also aims to eliminate human biases by using AI to ensure a more diverse and meritocratic selection.

Moreover, Air’s capability to conduct interviews via video calls, where it can generate questions and provide feedback, positions it as a groundbreaking tool in improving recruitment efficiency. Despite concerns about AI’s inherent biases, Braintrust has made efforts to train Air to recognize and mitigate these biases, potentially leading to fairer hiring outcomes. As the technology is not yet available, businesses can join a waitlist, reflecting growing interest in AI-driven recruitment solutions.

Source: AI could conduct your next job interview – meet Braintrust Air

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