Apple M2 Ultra

Apple Developing M2 Ultra and M4 Chips for AI Data Centers

Apple is advancing its AI capabilities by developing M2 Ultra and M4 chips specifically for its cloud data centers, aiming to enhance AI processing and integrate more advanced AI features into its ecosystem.

Main Points:

  • AI-Powered Data Centers: Apple is utilizing its M2 Ultra and M4 chips to build AI-focused servers, enhancing its data processing capabilities for upcoming AI features.
  • Generative AI Integration: These chips will support new AI functionalities in iOS 18, such as generative AI, to improve user experiences across Apple devices.
  • Project ACDC: Internally named Project ACDC, this initiative aims to leverage Apple’s chip design expertise to gain an edge in the competitive AI landscape.


Apple is significantly ramping up its AI capabilities by developing dedicated chips for its data centers. The M2 Ultra and future M4 chips are at the core of this initiative, designed to enhance AI processing power and support new AI features planned for iOS 18 and other software updates. This strategic move is part of Apple’s broader efforts to integrate more advanced AI functionalities into its ecosystem, leveraging the same powerful silicon that drives its Mac Pro and Mac Studio.

Known internally as Project ACDC, Apple’s AI server project is set to provide the necessary infrastructure to run sophisticated AI models and applications. This development not only aims to improve the performance and capabilities of Apple’s devices but also positions the company to better compete in the rapidly evolving AI market. As part of this strategy, Apple has been reportedly in talks with companies like OpenAI and Google to possibly integrate their AI technologies, although the extent of these collaborations remains unclear​​.

Source: Apple plans to use M2 Ultra chips in the cloud for AI

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