ACP AI healthcare

American College of Physicians Talks AI in Healthcare

The ACP emphasizes AI as a supportive tool in healthcare, advocating for ethical development, transparency, data privacy, reduced clinician burden, and comprehensive AI education for medical professionals.

Main Points:

  • Ethical Development: AI should enhance care quality and support the patient-physician relationship without interfering.
  • Transparency and Trust: Full disclosure of AI use in patient care is crucial for maintaining trust among stakeholders.
  • Data Privacy: Ensuring patient data privacy, especially during AI model development, is essential.


The American College of Physicians (ACP) outlines key positions on the use of AI in healthcare, highlighting its potential to improve care quality and support the patient-physician relationship. The ACP insists on ethical development, with AI tools designed to enhance rather than dominate clinical decision-making. Transparency is crucial; patients and clinicians should be aware of AI’s role in medical treatments to maintain trust.

Privacy and confidentiality of patient data are paramount, with the ACP advocating for deidentified and aggregated data use. They also emphasize the need for AI tools to reduce administrative burdens on clinicians, freeing up time for patient interactions. Comprehensive AI training across all levels of medical education is essential to ensure that healthcare professionals can effectively integrate AI into their practice.

Source: 5 views on AI in healthcare from the American College of Physicians

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