AI farming

AI’s Role in Empowering Smallholder Farmers in India

Key Points

  • Smallholding farmers in India, like Krishna, struggle with extreme weather, high-interest loans, and limited market access, earning just enough to meet basic needs.
  • The AI for Agriculture Innovation (AI4AI) initiative, a collaborative effort involving various organizations, aims to address these challenges.
  • The initiative significantly improved chili farming in Khammam district, India, through AI-driven advisory services, quality testing, and a digital market platform, doubling farmers’ incomes.
  • The AI4AI plan focuses on leveraging AI, drones, and blockchain to support smallholder farmers, tackling issues from climate resilience to financial inclusion.


Krishna’s story mirrors the hardships faced by millions of smallholding farmers in India and around the globe. Battling unpredictable weather, financial constraints, and limited access to technology, these farmers endure a precarious existence, marked by high risks and low returns. Their struggles are compounded by factors like poor supply chain management, leading to significant wastage, and stringent quality demands that are hard to meet. This cycle of subsistence farming leaves them with scant resources for future crops.

The AI for Agriculture Innovation initiative, a joint effort by the World Economic Forum India, India’s Union Ministry of Agriculture, and the Telangana state government, is a beacon of hope in this challenging landscape. The initiative, part of India’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, involved a series of workshops that delved into the various difficulties faced by smallholder farmers. By integrating advanced technologies such as AI, drones, and blockchain, the AI4AI plan aims to revolutionize agriculture for these farmers.

A prime example of this initiative’s success is its impact on chili farming in Khammam district, India. AI-driven advisory services, AI-based quality testing, and a digital platform for connecting buyers and sellers have transformed the farming landscape here. Farmers participating in the program reported a remarkable doubling of their incomes, a significant step towards alleviating their hardships.

Krishna’s challenges are not unique to India. Across the developing world, smallholder farms support nearly 2 billion people and are responsible for a substantial portion of food production in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. The AI4AI initiative’s approach offers a scalable and holistic solution that not only addresses immediate agricultural challenges but also fosters financial inclusion and climate resilience, paving the way for a more sustainable and equitable future for smallholder farmers globally.

Source: Farmers in India are using AI for agriculture – here’s how they could inspire the world

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