AI libraries

AI’s Emerging Role in Libraries

Artificial intelligence is poised to revolutionize library services, from automating cataloging to enhancing search capabilities, while also raising concerns about patron privacy and the traditional role of librarians.

Main Points:

  • AI tools like chatbots are being used in libraries to handle routine queries, allowing librarians to focus on more complex tasks.
  • Emerging technologies such as semantic search could transform information retrieval in libraries by focusing on the conceptual similarity between objects, rather than relying solely on keywords.
  • The integration of AI raises critical issues regarding patron privacy and the necessity for librarians to adapt their skills in an increasingly digital landscape.


Libraries are exploring the potential of artificial intelligence to automate and improve various aspects of their services, including cataloging and research. AI tools, like chatbots, are already being implemented to handle simple inquiries, freeing up librarians to tackle more complex questions. Additionally, the shift from keyword-based to semantic search methods promises to enhance how information is retrieved, making it easier for patrons to find relevant materials based on conceptual similarities rather than exact word matches.

However, this technological shift brings challenges, particularly in maintaining patron privacy and adapting librarian skills to a new digital environment. Librarians are considering the implications of AI, from its impact on job roles to how it may alter the nature of information literacy. As AI becomes more integrated into library systems, librarians will need to evolve their roles, becoming adept at using advanced AI tools to facilitate information discovery while ensuring they continue to protect user privacy.

Source: A new intermediary: How AI may impact libraries, research & information retrieval

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