Replicate AI

AI Vulnerability Exposes Critical Security Flaw in Replicate AI Platform

A critical flaw in Replicate AI’s platform could let attackers run malicious AI models, threatening tenant separation and data security across AI-as-a-service environments.

Main Points:

  • Cross-Tenant Security Risk: Vulnerability in Replicate AI platform allowed malicious model execution, risking access to private AI models and sensitive customer data.
  • Research Findings: Discovered by Wiz researchers, the flaw underscores the challenge of securing AI-as-a-service platforms running untrusted models.
  • Mitigation Measures: Replicate promptly fixed the flaw; recommendations include using secure AI formats like safetensors and enforcing tenant-isolation practices.


A severe security flaw was identified in the Replicate AI platform, enabling attackers to execute malicious AI models, potentially compromising the private AI models and sensitive data of its customers. This vulnerability was discovered by Wiz researchers as part of a security assessment partnership with AI-as-a-service providers. They noted the difficulty in maintaining tenant separation in environments running AI models from untrusted sources.

The flaw was exploited by creating a malicious container in the proprietary Cog format, allowing the researchers to achieve remote code execution with root privileges on Replicate’s infrastructure. This breach enabled lateral movement within a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud Platform, leading to a cross-tenant attack that could query and modify other AI models’ outputs.

Wiz responsibly disclosed the vulnerability to Replicate in January 2023, and the issue was swiftly mitigated without any customer data being compromised. The incident highlights the need for AI-as-a-service providers to adopt secure AI formats like safetensors and enforce strict tenant-isolation practices to protect against similar threats in the future.

Source: Critical Flaw in Replicate AI Platform Exposes Proprietary Data

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