
AI Tools – Slidesgo AI Presentation Maker: Effortless, Customizable Presentations

Slidesgo’s AI Presentation Maker is an intuitive, free tool that rapidly generates customizable presentations, ideal for anyone facing time constraints or needing creative assistance.

Key Features

  • Rapid Presentation Creation: Generate presentations quickly, tailored to specific topics and needs.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easily select topics, styles, tones, and languages, making it accessible for all users.
  • Diverse Styles and Tones: Offers a variety of design styles (e.g., abstract, geometric, simple) and tones (fun, casual, professional, etc.) to suit different audiences and purposes.
  • Customizable Content: AI-generated presentations can be edited using online tools, allowing for modifications in text, colors, images, and layout.
  • Free Access to Additional Resources: Integration with Freepik and Flaticon provides a wealth of images and icons for enhancing presentations.
  • Multiple Languages Support: Available in various languages, ensuring broad usability.
  • Download and Share Options: Presentations can be downloaded in PDF format or shared via a link, with an integrated presenter view available.
  • Continuous Updates: Regular addition of new designs and features, keeping the tool current and versatile.

User Experience Aspects

    • Designed for ease of use, especially for those new to creating presentations.
    • Offers a solution for quick turnaround, addressing common constraints like tight deadlines or lack of inspiration.
    • The ability to customize AI-generated slides empowers users to maintain a personal touch in their presentations.
    • The tool is completely free, making it accessible to a wide range of users, including students, educators, and professionals.


The Premium plan costs $23.99/year ($5.99/month, if you want to pay that way). Pay more for more users. They also have an Education plan that starts out at $3.50/month. Visit Slidesgo to get started for free.

We do our best to update information on these pages regularly, but this is a rapidly evolving field, so we recommend visiting tool sites to verify information and pricing.

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