(Last updated: 9/24/24)
Part predictive AI, part generative AI, H2O.ai provides a variety of solutions where the user owns every part of the stack. This tool is built for airgapped, on-premises, or cloud VPC deployments for full control over your data. Primary industries that are using this tool include finance, healthcare, government, and more. Among the features here:
- H2O Driverless AI (AutoML)
- H2O GPT (open source language models)
- H2O Eval Studio (performance evaluation)
- ingrates with various commercial or open-source LLMs
- special focus on cost-effective AI solutions, customization, and secure data management
Pricing here varies depending on your needs. They have both live and on-demand demos so you can get a clear idea of how this solution can help your business or organization.
Visit H2O.ai today to try out their demos for free.
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