AI medical

AI Tool Set to Revolutionize Drug Discovery Speed

A groundbreaking AI tool by bioXcelerate is poised to accelerate drug discovery processes by a hundredfold.

Main Points:

  • bioXcelerate Launches PleioGraph: A new AI tool developed by bioXcelerate, known as PleioGraph, aims to speed up the drug discovery process by analyzing complex medical data 100 times faster than current methods.
  • Advanced Technology for Faster Insights: Utilizing machine learning algorithms, PleioGraph sifts through vast amounts of biological data to uncover the interactions among genes, proteins, and cells that contribute to diseases, enabling quicker and more accurate drug development insights.
  • Benefits and Impact: PleioGraph not only surpasses traditional drug discovery methods in speed, potentially reducing patient waiting times for treatments, but also offers significant cost savings for developers and accelerates the delivery of new medicines to the market.


The recent launch of PleioGraph by bioXcelerate, a division of Optima Partners Limited, marks a significant advancement in the field of drug discovery. This innovative AI tool has the capability to analyze complex medical data at speeds 100 times faster than the current leading methods, revolutionizing the way biological networks are detected and understood. Through its use of proprietary machine learning algorithms, PleioGraph can efficiently identify the intricate relationships between genes, proteins, and cells, a process essential for understanding disease mechanisms and finding new therapeutic targets.

The technology not only offers a leap forward in the speed and accuracy of insights into disease development but also represents a major step towards reducing the time and cost associated with bringing new treatments to patients. By processing data between 75 to 100 times faster than existing methods, PleioGraph shortens the path from research to clinical application, promising significant benefits for both drug developers and patients. With its potential to dramatically accelerate early-phase drug discovery and improve patient outcomes, PleioGraph stands as a testament to the power of AI in transforming healthcare and medicine.

The tool’s development was driven by the recognition of the growing challenge in analyzing the ever-increasing volumes of health data and the crucial need for efficient technologies to uncover patterns within this data that are vital for breakthroughs in treatment discovery. As noted by Dr. Chris Foley and Dr. Heiko Runz, PleioGraph not only enhances the efficiency of drug discovery but also supports the development of new, impactful medicines that can reach patients faster, addressing the critical issues of rising development costs and high failure rates in the pharmaceutical industry.

Source: AI tool set to make drug discovery 100 times faster

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