AI crop harvest time

AI Tool Predicts Harvest Time Six Months in Advance

An AI tool developed in Edinburgh predicts crop yields six months in advance by counting flowers on fruit trees, significantly enhancing farming efficiency.

Main Points:

  • Accuracy: The AI tool was 90% accurate in estimating flower counts in peach orchards.
  • Resource Optimization: Helps farmers allocate water and labor more effectively.
  • Future Potential: Could be adapted for other fruit crops like apples, pears, and cherries.


Researchers at the National Robotarium in Edinburgh have developed an innovative AI tool that predicts crop yields up to six months before harvest by counting flowers on fruit trees using standard smartphone photos. This system, tested in Spanish peach orchards, proved to be 90% accurate, significantly surpassing the traditional manual methods that have error rates between 30-50%. The AI tool helps farmers optimize resources such as water and labor, plan harvests better, and reduce environmental impact. Future plans include adapting this technology for other fruit crops, promising broader benefits for the agricultural sector globally.

Source: New AI tool predicts harvest time six months before crop is ready

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