AI coral reefs

AI Tool Aims to Protect Coral Reefs

SurfPerch uses AI to analyze underwater audio, helping scientists monitor coral reef health more efficiently.

Main Points:

  • Ecoacoustics Monitoring: Uses natural sounds to assess reef health.
  • Public Involvement: Engages global citizen scientists in data collection.
  • Advanced AI Analysis: Processes audio data quickly, aiding conservation.


Google has developed SurfPerch, an AI tool created in collaboration with Google Research and DeepMind, to aid in monitoring and protecting coral reefs. This innovative technology uses ecoacoustics to analyze the natural sounds of coral reefs, offering insights into reef health and biodiversity. SurfPerch significantly speeds up data processing, which traditionally required extensive manual effort. Public participation through initiatives like “Calling in Our Corals” has been crucial in training this AI model, enabling it to detect and analyze new reef sounds efficiently.

The tool’s application has already shown promising results in distinguishing between protected and unprotected reefs and assessing restoration efforts. SurfPerch leverages similarities between bird and fish sounds to enhance its performance, highlighting the interconnectedness of natural soundscapes. This advancement opens new avenues for coral reef conservation and management, making it easier to monitor reef ecosystems and address environmental threats.

Source: A new AI tool to help monitor coral reef health

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