AI Lavender

AI System “Lavender” Identifies Thousands of Targets in Gaza Conflict

Israeli military’s use of an AI system called “Lavender” led to the identification of 37,000 potential Hamas targets in Gaza, amidst claims of civilian casualties.

Main Points:

  • Israeli intelligence utilized an AI database, Lavender, marking 37,000 people linked to Hamas for potential targeting.
  • Testimonies reveal that Israeli operations allowed significant civilian casualties, particularly in targeting low-ranking militants.
  • The use of “dumb bombs” and AI technology raises questions about the ethical implications of modern warfare and civilian impact.


The Israeli military’s recent bombing campaign in Gaza has sparked controversy and ethical debates due to its reliance on an AI-powered database, “Lavender,” which identified 37,000 potential targets linked to Hamas. This unprecedented use of AI in warfare has led to a reevaluation of the role of technology in military operations, emphasizing the shift towards statistical mechanisms over human judgment. Intelligence officials provided rare insights into their experiences with Lavender, reflecting on the system’s cold efficiency and their diminished role in the targeting process.

According to the sources, the early stages of the conflict saw permissions for operations that resulted in the deaths of many Palestinian civilians, with specific allowances for civilian casualties per strike. This approach, combined with the use of unguided munitions, has contributed to a high death toll, raising concerns about the legality and morality of such tactics. The IDF’s statement defends its operations as adhering to international law, describing Lavender as a tool for cross-referencing intelligence rather than a definitive list of targets.

The revelations about Israel’s use of AI and its implications for civilian casualties during the conflict offer a stark look at the complexities and ethical challenges of modern warfare. As the international community grapples with these issues, the debate over the balance between military objectives and civilian protection continues to unfold.

Source: ‘The machine did it coldly’: Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets

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