AI anxiety

AI Predicts Anxiety Levels with Minimal Data

The AI, called “Comp Cog AI,” evaluates anxiety levels through picture ratings and minimal personal data, offering a highly efficient tool for identifying at-risk individuals.

Main Points:

  • Efficient Prediction: The AI uses minimal computational resources and a small set of variables to predict anxiety.
  • High Accuracy: Achieved up to 81% accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in predictions.
  • Broad Applications: Can be used across various settings and populations, bypassing language barriers and reducing the risk of biased responses.


The University of Cincinnati has introduced an innovative AI system capable of predicting anxiety levels using a simple picture rating task combined with a few contextual variables such as age and loneliness. This AI, termed “Comp Cog AI,” integrates computational cognition with artificial intelligence to predict whether an individual is experiencing anxiety with up to 81% accuracy. The method stands out for its efficiency, requiring minimal computational power and a small dataset compared to traditional big data approaches.

This AI technology could revolutionize how anxiety is detected in various settings, including medical, military, and public health environments. By relying on an unbiased picture rating task rather than direct questioning, it reduces the likelihood of triggering negative responses and can be applied broadly, regardless of the user’s native language. The study highlights the potential for this tool to provide real-time, unbiased snapshots of mental health, offering significant advancements in mental health diagnostics and interventions.

Source: New AI predicts anxiety levels

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