AI school bus routes

AI Optimizes School Bus Routes Amid Driver Shortages

AI technology is helping Colorado Springs School District 11 manage a bus driver shortage by optimizing bus routes and using rideshare services, reducing the number of routes and saving costs.

Main Points:

  1. AI Integration: Routewise AI and HopSkipDrive technology are being used to optimize bus routes in Colorado Springs School District 11.
  2. Driver Shortage Solution: The district reduced the number of required bus routes by nearly half and uses rideshare services to fill gaps.
  3. Cost Savings: Implementing AI technology has saved the district over half a million dollars, protecting teacher positions.


Colorado Springs School District 11 has been facing a severe bus driver shortage, with only 60 out of 110 budgeted drivers available at the start of the school year. To tackle this, the district partnered with Routewise AI and HopSkipDrive, a rideshare company, to optimize student transportation. The AI technology evaluates available vehicles and determines the most efficient routes, cutting the number of bus routes needed and supplementing with rideshare services. This approach has significantly reduced costs and improved service reliability.

After eight months, the district reported a 50% reduction in bus routes, increased on-time arrivals, and higher driver pay. The AI tool, costing about $50,000 annually, saved the district over half a million dollars, which helped retain ten teaching positions. This innovative use of AI demonstrates a viable solution to the widespread school bus driver shortage.

Source: Artificial intelligence could be the answer to the bus driver shortage

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