AI Big Tech

AI Expenditures to Constitute 10% of Big Tech IT Budgets by 2024

A new report predicts that artificial intelligence (AI) spending by big technology firms will surge to 10% of their IT budgets within the year, marking a substantial increase from previous levels.

Main Points:

  • AI investments in the tech sector are expected to reach 10% of total IT budgets, a significant rise from less than 1% in the past year.
  • Major tech companies like Meta and Microsoft are spearheading this increase with new AI projects and infrastructure investments.
  • Analysts see this trend as transformative, potentially redefining future growth trajectories for these companies in AI technologies.


According to recent findings from a report by Seeking Alpha and Wedbush, the investment in AI by major tech corporations is poised for a dramatic increase, expected to account for up to 10% of their IT budgets by the end of 2024. This prediction comes as companies like Meta and Microsoft continue to unveil and expand their AI-driven projects, suggesting a strong confidence in the AI market’s growth potential. Meta, for instance, recently launched new generative AI tools, while Microsoft has announced a significant $3.3 billion investment in a data hub to optimize AI usage among its workforce and associated manufacturers.

The implications of these developments are vast, with experts predicting that such aggressive AI spending could significantly alter the tech landscape. AI projects are not just a focus for software and consumer technology firms; they also represent a broader move towards more sophisticated, AI-enabled infrastructure across the industry. As big tech firms allocate more resources to these advancements, they not only enhance their operational capabilities but also set new industry standards for innovation and technological integration.

Source: Report: AI Will Take Up 10% of Big Tech IT Budgets

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